
About Kiwi

My enjoyment for entertaining others, by playing video games, started when I was a child. Growing up, my mom would watch me play Silent Hill and Resident Evil, she enjoyed my reactions from all of the jump scares.

My obsession with video games, like many other millennials, started back in my Sega Genesis days. The adrenaline rushes turned into a need for having the newest systems and games! Nostalgia got the best of me in my 20s and I have picked up some of the games and systems from my childhood.

I have continued pursuing my passion of gaming and entertaining on a larger scale. You will frequently find me playing The Binding of Issac, Fallout and other games. To watch previous runs, vlogs, and highlights - head on over to my Youtube channel or watch me live on Twitch. Looking forward to our next gaming adventure!

So… the name… asliceofkiwi… why?

Well, back when I was 16 and was playing CoD: 4, my adolescent mind told me that it would be funny if when I killed someone that the killfeed would say [insert name] was killed by a slice of kiwi. That is where my name was born and it just kinda stuck with me since.